Why this course?


Learning is the Promise

Most virtual cooking courses are just pretty videos of celebrity chefs cooking. No one becomes a great cook by copying without understanding. I’m equal parts chef and teacher focused on teaching the ideas that make good cooking possible. I guarantee that when you get to the end of the course, you’ll see the path to a lifetime of delicious cooking. If you don’t, just say so and I’ll refund your money.

Real Food

This isn’t a course on how to imitate restaurant food, that would be too simple. This course is about making every meal of your life delicious—from your daily breakfast, to repurposed leftovers, to late night snacks, to an elaborate dinner party. Every meal can be delicious and satisfying.


Because the size of each cohort is small, and everybody is going through the course together, I have time to help each student individually during our 1-1 weekly check-ins. It means I can always answer lingering questions while pushing your knowledge beyond what’s covered in class regardless of your level.

Less is More

I like to learn quickly, and think deeply, and those are both reflected in this curriculum. There are just 6 main ideas covered in this course, and the magic is in seeing them illuminate the entire world of savory cooking. You’ll find joy in using the ideas of the course independently while cooking at home.

Community of Cooks

There is a level of human capacity and growth that you can only unlock in a community. That’s why this course happens live over Zoom so that learning how to cook isn’t just a new skill: it’s a new group of like-minded peers, collaborators, supporters, and friends.


Great cooking comes from understanding how to apply combinations of simple ideas. You don’t need to be good with a knife or have quick hands. You don’t need luxury ingredients or high-end equipment. You just need a curious mind and a good teacher.