“Before How to Actually Cook, I saw cooking as a somewhat impenetrable art form--I could follow directions to recreate dishes, but I couldn't create them myself. After How to Actually Cook, I think I have decided that cooking is somewhere between an art and a science. There are clear, empirical principles (which you learn during the course!) that make cooking good food accessible. But, these principles leave room for creativity in a way that allows even a casual home chef to explore and create really delicious meals!”

-Ellen H.

Chef Colin’s food makes you feel simultaneously like the most important, high class person at a gourmet restaurant and also like a little kid whose family made them their favorite meal infused with love and comfort. It’s getting dressed in your best outfit to end up with your face covered in food because it’s too delicious to hold on to your dignity.

-Lydia H.

I first met Colin when he was a middle school technology teacher. I was teaching technology at a different school and I was sent to observe his exemplary classroom. It is clear that this teaching background sets him apart from other chefs trying to each other’s how to cook. He combines the knowledge and skills of a very talented chef with the pedagogical instincts of a gifted educator.

-Jake L.

As major foodies from large coastal cities my fiancé and I are always on a hunt to try new places.. that is until we tried Colin’s food. It’s the best we’ve had in Tulsa. When date night comes around we don’t even try to pick a place because we always know we end up at Vintage in order to try the next special dinner Colin has whipped up. His ability to blend  various flavors and put unique spins on timeless classics always keeps us coming back for more. 

Shelby L.

“Colin is a master teacher who happens to be an amazing chef. Whether he is teaching physics, astronomy, or calculus, he makes you feel like it’s just arithmetic. Colin has at least 27 ways to help you understand. My mouth is watering right now thinking about the chicken curry and the pulled pork, not to mention the croissants he makes. More, please!”

-Mary G.

“Colin is beautifully dedicated to the study of his art form and brings community alongside him on his journey. His food is somehow humble, yet also exquisite, and I need to try it all.”

-Rebekah C.

“When I met chef Colin, I had zero experience cooking in a professional setting. He has a true passion for cooking and is always willing to share his knowledge. He is extremely patient and will always encourage you to keep learning.”

-Alex K.

“Every time I eat food from Colin, I wonder to myself, ‘How is this so good?’ I feel lucky that he is always kind and enthusiastic enough about his craft to give me insight into the answer. There seems to be a story and scientific method to every dish he makes, and I have learned a surprising amount about cooking just by eating his food and hearing about his creative process.”

-Parisa P.

“Colin’s curiosity for food and it’s behavior is endlessly fascinating. His meditation and finesse for bringing new ideas to our community with the exciting combination of affordability and flavor are unmatched. What temping flavors, curated at a master chef level will be next?  The answer is within your grasp, reach for it. “

-Steven S.

“The first week of class you take a handful of basic ingredients and together transform them into a dish that tastes incredible. In addition, you realize that you can take this base recipe and by just changing or adding a few ingredients you can completely change it into a different dish. This was an absolute game-changer for me. For the first time in my life I can say I truly understand how to cook.”

-Logan L.

“Every dish from Colin is inspired. And one thing I love most is that every dish is for everyone - it’s for the suit & tie and the pajama guy. Colin brings people together with his recipes, his creativity, and his infectious energy to make damn good food.”

-Hunter B.

“I’ve known Colin both as a teacher and as a chef - his ability to breakdown multi step complex problems into easy to understand concepts you can apply to all kinds of dishes reminds me of Samin Nosrat while his almost never ending experimenting reminds me of Kenji Lopez. His croissants became locally famous but the simple salsa he taught me how to make is now a staple with all of my family. Colin will help you understand how to cook, not just how to follow a recipe.”

-Theo’s Dad

“Colin is an incredible chef with an attention to the smallest details. His cooking is approachable, delicious and authentic. You can taste his passion and love for cooking in every bite and I’m privileged to call him my friend.”

-Hannah D.

“Colin’s love of cooking is palpable and contagious. He presents techniques in easy to understand ways. Moreover he places those techniques in the broader context of why they are important to the meal. The skills I’ve learned from Colin have expanded my culinary repertoire and multiplied my enjoyment of the craft. Thank you, Colin!”

-Adam C.

“What differentiates Colin from many other chefs is his ability to simplify a dish down to its core, understand how it works, and then rebuild the dish in a new and inspired way. His passion doesn’t end there, but extends to share that knowledge with others.”

-Zach A.

“Colin's excitement for good food is contagious and his eagerness to share it with you is obvious. It's easy to dive deep into culinary practices, cultures, and experiences whenever your host makes you feel like the most important person in the room. Colin's work has made major contributions to Tulsa's food scene as a whole.”

-Andrew J.

“We love trying Colin’s latest creations because he is always coming up with innovative flavor combinations that you can’t find on just any menu. He does a great job of explaining his approach to cooking and sharing his vision for each dish. He’s clearly an expert in his field, and he’s able to translate his expertise in a way that makes cooking fun and accessible to people who like us who don’t know nearly as much!” 

-Erin D.

Colin’s passion for good food is contagious and energizing. He pairs that excitement with thoughtful explanations that make it easy to follow along with his lessons and remember them long after the meal is finished. 

-Chen S.

”Colin is ceaselessly curious about what makes things tick. From the best way to get flaky croissants to the most elegant explanations of the Pythagorean Theorem, his enthusiasm makes you excited to learn more--no matter what he's teaching. When it comes to food and cooking, Colin's lively approach makes things feel accessible, relevant, and fascinating. He even tricked me into eating mushrooms, and now I no longer fear them.”

-Eileen T.